Lizzy Beauty was born on March 16, 1996 in Connecticut, United States. She is currently 25 years old.
Her astrological sign is Pisces. Lizzy Beauty was born and raised in the United States. She is currently living in Connecticut, United States. On April 16, 2019, Lizzy Beauty obtained a bachelor's degree in Maths and Statistics from the University of Connecticut, United States. Lizzy Beauty is a full time statistician, and modeling is just her side job. In her modeling career, she has worked with some famous brands like shaper mint, FashionNovaCurve, missguided, insert name here clothing, Dose of roses, giti online Curve, garage clothing, Shein curve, forever 21, pretty little thing, oh Polly, lovely wholesale official, yoins plus, rebdolls, Curvy sense and many more. She is currently a brand ambassador for FashionNovaCurve.
In Instagram, Lizzy Beauty has accrued more than 181,000 followers to her self titled Instagram account where she regularly posts make-up clips, try-on haul and stunning photos. Lizzy Beauty has also founded a clothing line for Curvy Plus-sized women known as By Lizzy B.
Body Measurements
Lizzy Beauty stands 5 feet 7 inches tall or 170 cm, Her hip size is 54 inches or 134 cm, body type: voluptuous/Curvy, she has a beautiful brown hair and hazel eyes color, marital status: single, Nationality: American.
they look that good in conn. i like your pics and you are gorgeous to 😍